Services Provided

You Are Unique, And So Is Your Therapy!

Approaches to treatment will depend upon:

  • What the problem is
  • Researched approaches that have shown to help
  • Your unique way of coping with difficulties
  • What you tend to find most helpful

Adolescent Services

Many teenagers begin to feel increased stress and anxiety as they enter into high school and prepare to graduate. Often, issues that were not apparent before, can surface. In my practice, I help teens with:

-Anxiety, Panic attacks, Phobias
-Adjustment to chronic medical conditions
-Relationship issues
-Family problems

Hypnosis can be incorporated into therapy for help with:
-Test anxiety
-Smoking cessation
-Body image issues

Young Adult Services

College age and early adulthood can be an exciting as well as challenging time of life. Addressing issues early on, can not only prevent problems later on, but can provide a more solid foundation of mental health and success as you enter adulthood. Areas of concern that tend to be addressed in therapy:

-Relationship Issues
-Anxiety about the future
-Worries about career choices
-Family problems
-Balancing academics/work and relationships

Hypnosis can be incorporated into therapy:
-Smoking Cessation
-Body Image Issues
-Test Anxiety
-Performance Anxiety

Adult Services

Adults seek therapy for many different reasons. Some realize they have depression or anxiety that needs to be addressed. While others realize that life could be more fulfilling and they seek a better quality of life. Therapy goals are individualized and therapy is paced in a way to allow the highest level of functioning in a person's busy life.
Areas of concern that adults often come to therapy with are:

-Worries about children
-Relationship problems
-Parenting issues
-Financial worries
-Feeling overwhelmed caring for childre and aging parents
-Loss of a loved one
-Life transitions - empty nest, divorce, parents death
-Adjustment to medical problems

Hypnosis can be incorporated into therapy for:
-Pain Management
-Gynecological Issues
-Weight Management
-Smoking Cessation

In addition to helping Adolescents, Young Adults and Adults with more normative issues, I also help those who experience acute or chronic PTSD, Dissociation, and/or more severe Anxiety or Depression.

I work collaboratively with several Psychiatrists who will provide medication consultation when indicated.

Helpful Forms

Click here to view and print forms for your appointment.